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Getting Accustomed to your Type of Wrinkle

Every woman out there loves a face without those bothering lines. Before you purchase any of the Annimateo anti-wrinkling products, you need to be aware of the fact that my wrinkles could be quite different from yours. Yes!, Wrinkles are not the same. It's erroneous to think that all wrinkles are the same as they do manifest for different reasons and from different causes. This differentiation is what makes the mode of treatment of one form of wrinkle to be different from the other. Thus, the way you'll treat elastic wrinkles isn't the same as expression wrinkles; that of compression is also different from atrophic and the modality of treatment for gravitation wrinkles is also different from the previously mentioned ones.

Anti aging creams

Now, let's take a look at these types of wrinkles;

1. Elastic Wrinkles: This type of wrinkles is a direct consequence of spending too much time in the sun (an excess exposure to the ultraviolet rays). They appear as tiny creases on the cheeks, lips and neck and are often prevented by avoiding the sun (as much as you can) and with the use of sunscreens.
2. Expression Wrinkles: Just as the name implies, they are caused by repeating the same expression. So, you could be in for it anywhere you frequently make expressions on your face (between your brows, around the mouth or even at the outer corner of your eyes). They appear as smile, frown or laugh lines and could be lightly or deeply etched into the facial skin. It might not be realistic to avoid facial muscle movements but you can help yourself by alternating your expressions as well as making use of some AnniMateo filler products for correction.

Anti aging creams

3. Compression Wrinkles: Also known as sleep wrinkles, they arise from squishing any part of your face, neck or chest against the pillow while sleeping. Compression wrinkles can be avoided by using skin anti-pressure pillows or by sleeping on your back. Once you prevent the primary cause of compression, you can also treat such wrinkles by filling in the lines or wrinkles.

4. Atrophic Wrinkles: These wrinkles usually occur when you've got furrowed eyebrows and appear as deep parallel lines on the forehead. They have the potential to worsen over time so far your skin keeps losing collagen and elating. However, if you can keep your skin hydrated alongside with the use of AnniMateo quality skin care products, it helps to slow down the formation process of atrophic wrinkles.
Actives packed anti wrinkle cream with peptides

5. Gravitation Wrinkles: The natural aging process is an inevitable one that eventually leads to a saggy skin which is often accompanied by wrinkles. Sun damage is also another contributing factor to gravitation wrinkles and the best option for treatment is a face lift. However, if a facial surgery sounds scary or seems financially demanding, you can go for Ultherapy (an ultrasound and non-invasive skin treatment), anti-aging peptide solutions as well as make use of lifting creams. Any of these treatment options can counteract the effects of gravity on your skin.

Irrespective of your type of wrinkles, AnniMateo anti-aging products have been tested and trusted to work effectively when it comes to giving you a more youthful look.

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